
Notice of Claim filed

We want to thank the many who have responded to our requests for help.

As an update, the Columbus Monument Corporation Board, has thru its attorneys, filed a Notice of Claim to the City of Syracuse and the Mayor. This is to put them on notice that we may, when appropriate, take an Article 78 action. Our attorneys firmly believe that the Mayor does not have the authority to remove the statue.

Please continue to follow this website and participate in using the “Tell the Mayor” click to send your comments to the Mayor and others.  

And help us spread the word by sharing this website or the donation website with your social media friends. Our strength is in our large numbers!

Thanks again to all who have helped and supported this important effort.

Ben Walsh – Shall we take down everything?

Each historical figure is a product of his or her milieu. If we judged each by our PC lens of today the walls of our National Portrait Gallery would be bare. We must learn from history lest we repeat it .
Recognize Columbus for his skill and courage as a seaman and explorer and make note of shortcomings. At least have this discussion or ‘that history book on the shelf’
will keep repeating itself.

Leave our Statue Alone

To whom it may concern: I see your covering the story on Christopher Columbus. I’m 100% Sicilian both parents migrated here from Sicily. Christopher Columbus is to us as Martin Luther King is to the African Americans. We are proud of him and will always be. He was a smart, strong man who never let anyone change what he felt in his gut.

Millions of others from everywhere wouldn’t have came to America as quickly, if it wasn’t for Christopher proving the earth was round. We would have never came together as one nation under God, as it used to be, but we had to change all that too.

Leave our statue alone it represents all of the America people. Italians and Sicilians are proud because he is one of our own.

Broken heart America/Sicilian,


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