2021 Columbus Day Celebration

Please join us at Columbus Circle, 11 am on October 11th, 2021 for the Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony. LET’S MAKE THIS THE BIGGEST YET!

A luncheon will be held at the OnCenter, 12 noon, honoring County Executive Ryan McMahon for his brilliant handling of the COVID crisis, and John & Leigh-Ann Tumino for their wonderful humanitarian work. $40 per person.

All tickets will be held at the door. Please send checks to Columbus Monument Corp, Treasurer, 220 Clayton Manor Drive, Apt 9, Liverpool, NY 13088

Questions? Email us at columbusmonumentassociation@gmail.com

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The annual Columbus Day wreath laying ceremony in Syracuse N.Y. Oct 12, 2020. Mark Nicotra and Nick Pirro hand off a wreath to be placed at the foot of the Christopher Columbus statue. Dennis Nett | dnett@syracuse.com

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