Leave our Statue Alone

To whom it may concern: I see your covering the story on Christopher Columbus. I’m 100% Sicilian both parents migrated here from Sicily. Christopher Columbus is to us as Martin Luther King is to the African Americans. We are proud of him and will always be. He was a smart, strong man who never let anyone change what he felt in his gut.

Millions of others from everywhere wouldn’t have came to America as quickly, if it wasn’t for Christopher proving the earth was round. We would have never came together as one nation under God, as it used to be, but we had to change all that too.

Leave our statue alone it represents all of the America people. Italians and Sicilians are proud because he is one of our own.

Broken heart America/Sicilian,

One Reply to “Leave our Statue Alone”

  1. Dear Mayor Walsh,

    We can not let a few troublemakers destroy our city and cause division. Why now? Just because some uppity professor decided our historical figures arent up to his standards? We can’t judge the standards of yesterday by todays. We should never allow the tearing down of our history good or bad or as we read, we our liable to repeat it. Stay true and Just say NO!

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