President Roosevelt – who designated October 12 as Columbus Day – was involved in the Syracuse Columbus Monument effort.

Art. History. Heritage.
President Roosevelt – who designated October 12 as Columbus Day – was involved in the Syracuse Columbus Monument effort.
Unlike Syracuse, their Mayor asked for REAL input from citizens. Mayor Ben Walsh assumes he knows what we all want and need. He does not!
Totally ridiculous!! Stop with this political nonsense.
Mayor, You have enough problems with crime, potholes, decaying neighborhoods, etc…that’s what you need to focus on!
Please start legal action against this insulting and illegal decison.
earned a master’s degree in museum studies from syracuse university with a focus on ethnic museums and cultural centers…removing the monument is an insult to our italian-american community…and the immigrant communities across our country and our inclusive ethnic museums and cultural centers of our american heritages…
Italian immigrants were discriminated against for decades after arriving in America. We empathize with those suffering through it now., and are demanding change for them – just as our ancestors did for themselves.
These are some of the hard working, proud newly minted American citizens who helped to erect the Columbus Monument. Ben Walsh for Mayor and City of City of Syracuse – Office of the Mayor didn’t know them, but he should respect their heritage, their pride, and the beautiful tribute that they paid for and were very proud of.
My father was first generation #ItalianAmerican born in this country and like most was very proud of his Italian heritage. When my grandparents first came to this country most of their family settled in Pennsylvania but my grandfather came to Central New York where the city was the namesake of another in the old country, #Syracuse. When my grandfather died my grandmother raised their nine children here in Syracuse, they moved around the city throughout the years and in the 1930s they were on Burnet not far from Erie Boulevard, just a short walk to downtown. My father told me about the day the #Columbus statue was dedicated and how the family really felt like they were at home here in Syracuse. Dad passed away in 2001 and I can’t imagine how sad he would be to see what’s happening to the city that he called home.
“Good Luck! Appreciate you and your community for standing up for our heritage, and standing for the memory of those whose dedication of the statue reflected a pride of being Italian-American, and had no idea about transgressions of CC 500 years prior… They looked to him as a symbol of all that is good about our world and the Italian peoples formative role in it… no one can take that away from us…”
“History shouldn’t blind us; it must enlighten us. To ignore parts of history is to minimize and possibly destroy what history can teach us.”