
The arrogance of Ben Walsh is beyond comprehension!

The arrogance of this mayor is beyond comprehension, he should focus on his failed crime policies that have jeopardize the safety and lives of City residents. instead of a statue that is hurting no one. An indigenous statue somewhere in the city of Syracuse is totally appropriate, but to tear down Columbus statue failing to understand the true history of his exploration is pure ignorance. Yes the Vikings were here long before Christopher Columbus, Native Americans were here long before Christopher Columbus but that does diminish the significance of his journey. There is clear evidence that alleged atrocities came long after Christopher Columbus by the Spaniards who funded his journey. As for the issue of slavery, no one can claim purity and innocence, neither of those who owned slaves or those natives tribes who sold individuals into slavery. The real travesty of this issue is the Mayor making a unilateral decision without the input of the entire community that includes City residents and County residents!


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